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Tour De France

Tour De France

This week The Tour De France starts on the island of Corsica, as prominent as ever, but perhaps a little clouded by past drug issues and the big question: Can cycling clean up it's act?

The Tour De France is renowned as the world's largest sporting spectacle with 12-15 million spectators and attendees over a three week period. It may have had more than its fair share of bad press, but there is much to be learnt from the sponsorship and marketing structures behind this huge PR machine. The Tour's Publicity Caravan features a huge number of sponsor floats and is as much a part of the tour as the cycling itself.

I won't be attending this year, but my passion for witnessing the struggle of man + machine against the elements is what draws me to this event.

The challenge is to inspire the same passion for our businesses - stressing the importance of improving customer experience and developing loyalty.

Posted: Thu 27 Jun 2013
