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He Whakatipuranga Hou: Youth wānanga to restore wetlands, Wairarapa

He Whakatipuranga Hou: Youth wānanga to restore wetlands, Wairarapa

Youth from Wellington organised a noho marae to prepare for a better future, balancing a kaupapa of challenging racial discrimination, maintaining mental wellbeing and giving back to the environment.

Last-minute the group had to change their accommodation, but this didn’t distract them from their mahi. The youth rose to the challenge and planted 300 native seedlings in Ahiaruhe, contributing to a vision of restoring the vital wetlands that protect the local waterways.  

The young people wanted to contribute to the local environment and to learn stories about this land to take home to their communities. In doing so, they join with the wider move to give back to Papatūānuku. This project provided opportunity for both restoring our wetlands and building the capacity of the young people involved. Youth returned proud of their work, gaining ownership of a vision bigger than themselves.

Find out more about the ARO Project and other youth led environmental care initiatives...

Wetlands Restoration

The ARO Project - Environmental Care NZ

Working with community groups and young people to care for our environment.

This year Impact Consulting have formed a partnership with Praxis New Zealand*. We are excited to have the opportunity to support the first round of environmental care initiatives through their newly formed ARO environmental care project, which was launched in 2020.

The ARO Project invites groups to AssessReduce and Offset their environmental impact while creating positive outcomes for young people and communities. Check out their website www.aroproject.nz if you would like to support other projects like this or find out more about the initiative. 

Praxis is a network of youth development practitioners, who are educating and mentoring the next generation of leadership in Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific

Posted: Mon 28 Sep 2020
