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7 Camping & Survival Hacks that could save your life... and maybe your start-up

Camping & Survival Hacks... A Reminder of an Important Start-up Principle

Some people might say "do it once and do it right". However, when you are involved in a start-up business what you are trying to achieve can change quickly. Often you simply need something that works, in order to test the core principles of a business model and bridge a temporary gap until a better solution is possible.

The simple camping 'hacks' (or temporary solutions using resources that are readily available) in the video above, are a reminder that an effective temporary solution doesn't always have to be complicated or cost much at all.  

How can you test your concept quickly using available resources, in order to help you focus your efforts and ensure your investment is in the right place?

Posted: Tue 10 Dec 2013
