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Google Digital Empire Takes Step Into Real World

GOOGLE makes another strategic move

Google is undoubtedly one of the most successful brands of this century. Their unique ability to provide simplicity, speed and meet customer expectations all in one is to be admired.

Now the Google's digital empire is taking a step into the real world. And it makes perfect strategic sense.

Google are now providing document storage (Google Drive) and in order to grow this business they have partnered with Acer and Samsung to provide cost effective laptops which rely on Google online data storage.  This is a Blue Ocean Strategy strategic move (creating a new markets in which you can be the market leader). Google is no longer competing simply as a search engine or email provider, the company is extending it's reach with laptops "for everyone". 


Are you missing an entire market segment?

In their business strategy book Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne talk about establishing whole new market segments in which you are the market leader.

If you are:

  • Looking to expand you product range,
  • Struggling to compete in an existing market,
  • Or good at what you do but just not sure where to go next...

Come in and talk to Josh. His strategic design expertise, innovative approach and solid research skills will help you create a map for moving forward. Book a meeting now.

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2013
