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Family of smart creatures helps parents get pregnant and raise their kids

Family of smart creatures helps parents get pregnant and raise their kids

Could your product take on a new life by being given a personality? We have seen this technique used as extremely successfully by Mars Snack Food to promote M&M's.

Now a new 'family' of medical devices to help parents conceive and raise their children is on the market.

Each member of the BleepBleeps family can be connected to users’ smartphones, delivering useful data to help make parents’ jobs a bit easier. Firstly, couples looking to conceive can make use of Olivia P Sticks — which uses urine testing to check if potential mothers are ovulating — and Master Bates, which tells male partners if their sperm count is healthy. If pregnancy is achieved, Ultra Stan enables parents to see a live ultrasound on their phone. When the child is born, other characters offer motion-sensing and video baby monitoring, health tests and GPS location checking.

The video above introduces all of the characters:

Posted: Tue 19 Nov 2013
